Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 29 of the 30 Day Challenge: B&W

"He sometimes ran a purple ribbon through his typewriter and gushed where he should have dammed." -T.E. Kalem

Well. Sure. Today is a good day for taking pictures with my son and selecting and editing with my daughter while we wait for my oldest daughter to come out of Physical Education class. Then we will go to my mother's house to celebrate my birthday. 

Today is a good day to be born, as were three good friends of mine. My BFF turned out to really be my BFFL (pronounced 'buffel,' according to my baby girl) as I have known her for three decades and well, I think she is now more like my sister. Talking of which, her sister's birthday is today as well. Must be something in the air, water or some geographical phenomena that all the June 29 birthday people I have ever met I have become friends with. Ah, well. That is my story for the day. Have fun, peeps!

I have had a most wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday. A few of us had birthdays during the little challenge:) Love the typewriter.
