What I have learned throughout this challenge is too lengthy and boring for this caption.
But I will share what I posted yesterday on my Facebook wall with you all: By the time you get to my age, if you haven't developed hobbies or bad habits, you haven't lived at all.
Cheers to all who stopped by and made me smile with their comments and attention. It was far more than I could have expected. May you live and prosper in both your hobbies and bad habits....and may you continue sharing them with me via this very cool medium of Flickr.
So, what's next?
Can you hear me exhaling, what a relief the challenge is over!
I set up the picture and my daughter said, "why don't you try different gestures with your hands." And I thought to myself, "oh, no you didn't." So here I am trying to explain to my soon to be 16 year old how I learned to flick the finger in second grade using a pencil interwoven in my fingers.
Ahhh, precious childhood moments shared with offspring.
I am SO GLAD you joined in. Getting to know you through your photos has been a kick. Don't you be a stranger, I'm gonna need you to join in when I do this again!